Saturday, August 22, 2009
Color my world
with love:
Regina Roy
9:24 PM
There is something about the fall and a new box of crayons. I feel that every school year I purchase yet another bigger and better box of Crayola crayons. This year it was the 120 Count. I didn't even know that they had a box that big. It came with its very own built in sharpener. Now many of you may be wondering what grade I'm in, BUT I truly believe there is no age limit to love of crayons. Maybe it was because I was deprived as a child, my parents only allowed me to have the 24 count box. I feel this somehow stifled my creativity. They had no idea the importance of color to a child's world. I look around and see very quickly and clearly those individuals who were unfortunate enough to use ROSEART. They sometimes call something that is clearly red-orange, Red. I shake my head in pity. I bet their parents had no idea of the long lasting effects of being a few cents cheaper! So in light of my depravity I purchase all that I couldn't have. You may also be wondering what use could a 21 year old grad student have with a box of crayons. In fact one of my professors swears by MIND MAPPING and the more colors the better the map =) I feel just looking at the box makes me want to be more creative. Maybe even come up with a new way to color code for prescription drugs like Deborah Adler. I bet she was an avid 96 count Crayola user as a child. The bottom line is crayons and color are an important part of your well being, the next time you see a box purchase it and take the time to color it might brighten up your day.
Hi My name is ______ and I am a Crayola Crayon User.

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