Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday- A horrible, No good, Very Bad, Day
it consisted of:
-A very bad Drug Action exam (done on the computer ARGH!) (i looked awful as well like i rolled out of bed and into the class)
-I am depressed after exam decide I cant stick it through for the rest of the day- When phone rings and I am reminded of a meeting which I am supposed to attend during lunch with dean (oops not written on schedule=not ready)- I run home shower and try to look appropriate, print out agendas which i did not email ahead of time and try to prepare for the meeting- meeting semi productive
-Meeting went into overtime- Completely slipped my mind that i had an interview scheduled at 1 I missed the interview =(
-Went to go talk to professor-prof=jerk
-came home and sulked
-OH and i forgot to mention i got a highlighter mark on my newly adored jcrew tote =(

Tuesday- Still down but moving on

Wednesday- Slowly checking things off planner- being more productive; also thinking more about blog header design; trying to come up with more ideas.- Beginning to love reading blogs-its becoming a pastime- It encourages me to be more creative

Hopefully the rest of the week wont be as harsh.