Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Problem Solver

I love to problem-solve. If there was a job titled “problem-solver” I would definitely turn in a resume and give the company a good run for its money. I may not necessarily be the best at one thing, but I am able to put together the resources that I have to solve a particular problem. I am by some genetic factor beyond my control, inclined to come up with ideas or mechanisms to figure out, or solve, or come to a compromise. (okay, okay you get the point- now you are wondering why I am on this problem-solver rant)

Over the past few days/week, I have come across a school related problem, I have done my best and now I have left the rest up to God. I have prayed and prayed and prayed, to the point where I feel tired of praying. I feel like God has promised me that he will pull me through and make a way, I am actually most certain of this. The thing is, in order to make this situation better there are a myriad of ways to resolve the issue.

I have found myself telling God which way I think would be best…my conversation with him would go something like this “Hey God, how about …plan A…it has least amount of setbacks and most benefit…so overall the best benefit to risk ratio (in pharmacist terms). Plan A does not happen. Obvious disappointment ensues.

A day or so of mourning occurs and being the ever optimist that I am, I have developed plan B. “Dear God, guess what, alright so plan A didn’t work, well I have another idea about this new and improved plan B…maybe a few more setbacks then plan A, but hey maybe its part of my “learning process”…what do you say? Lets back plan B?”  Of course plan B does not pan out and I am left shattered, disappointed, stressed, and hopeless.

Until I start getting to thinking and I come up with Plan C.....except this time, as I start getting hope, plan C is bound to fail. Yet another obstacle has come in my way making the situation even more difficult to resolve. So now I am not sure what to do, and I am trying to force myself to somehow make plan C work. And somewhere deep down I am thinking “Umm hello God, I gave you options A, B, and C, now really when are you going to help?”

I can’t help but think of Abraham walking Isaac up the mountain ready to sacrifice him, I am sure that up until that knife was in his hand he might have been thinking “now would be an excellent time to rescue me.” Except the thing is the rescue did come, but only when God wanted it, just at his perfect time. You see in life, if God wants something done, he doesn’t need my help in figuring out  the best way to solve it. God doesn’t need my ideas or plans or projected problems solving presented in neat folders titled prayer. God knows what is best and he will make it happen in the right time.

Ps the post was meant for the beginning of December, I started writing it around December 13. A lot has happened since and I will be informing you via the blog. Until then…

Happy Thinking