Monday, February 21, 2011

Justin's Library

My bookshelf contains the following:
* Several Best American Sports Writing anthems including one with the story, 'Resurrecting the Champ,' that got me into journalism.
* Completed journals full of agonizing, unrequited crushes and regretful but romantic past love.
* An old watchbox tin full of poetry and other short thoughts I wrote as a teen and college student.
* Books about murderers such as 'In Cold Blood," and books about heroes such as 'King of the World.'
* A signed copy of Bob Woodward's 'The War Within.'
* 'The Road,' which I bought and read in three days in D.C.
* 'The Namesake,' which made my cry in recognition.
* Dr. Atkins' "NEW Diet Revolution," which got real old real quick.
* My old fraternity handbook.
* A copy of the U.S. Constitution that the then Boulder police chief handed to reporters at a press conference just after the Jon Benet Ramsey murder because he felt everyone deserved due process.
* 'Crazy Love,' 'Chasing Daylight' and 'Searching for God Knows What,' which were discussed in various church small groups.
* 'The Case for Faith,' which was convincing.
* The Bible with a cloth cover my junior high Sunday school teacher sewed.
* Two leather bound Bibles I stole from my dad before he left for good to India.
* 'A Survey of Kerala History' and a 'Kitchens of Kerala' cookbook that I never cracked open.
* Casino chip from the Casino Royale in Las Vegas from freshman year and another from last year's trip aboard the Monarch of the Seas cruise ship.
* 'The Tender Bar,' by the journalist I idolized for years.
* Various entertaining and informative reads such as 'The Kite Runner,' 'Seabiscuit,' 'Unbroken,' 'Maximum City' and 'The God of Small Things.'
* Too much dust. 

This Post was by Justin George, cousin to my cousin. He is a staff writer for the St. Petersburg Times. You can get to know his pieces here


Anonymous said...

...two posts back to back pointing out Francis Chan and his book. It's an awesome read.