Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Marily's Library

White picket fence. Doggy door. Personalized game room. His and Her bathroom. Winding staircase. Extravagant chandelier. Bright red accent wall. Home theater. State of the art swimming pool. That one essential centerpiece of our dream homes.

My centerpiece? A library. Not just some random collection of books, but of books I want to read, already read and in the process of reading. A bedazzling treasure tucked away in my home. A secret getaway.

My library with its rolling ladders, ambient lighting, plush carpeting, sheer, white curtains, surround-sound system, cushioned window-seats, suede sofas, ottomans and chaises, ample amount of pillows, mini-refrigerator, vintage world map spanned across the accent wall, one intercom speaker by the door and a stash of snuggies and blankets. My one, essential centerpiece.

Full of fictionary tales of cowboys, romance, murder, aliens, scientists, warlords, princes, underdogs, humor, love and hate. Heart-provoking inspirations and thought-provoking revelations. Recipes. Magazines. Series. Instructionals. Reference. Photographic showcases. Kindle.

My library, the portal. My books, the tele-transporters.

Unfortunately, a few bad habits have to be dealt with before earning this prestigious librarian status. Lending out books and never asking for their return. Stacking books next to the pillow for easy-access. Using toilet paper for bookmarks. Judging books by covers. All marks, yet to be erased.

Until then, I can only call my 'library' a stash, divided amongst two homes. Let's just say, a rolling ladder is far from needed at the moment.

This Post was By: Marily Jacob a designer