Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mom Knows Best

Don't ever bet against your mom.......

So yesterday my mom had a day off from work, I always tell her to relax, stare at the wall, contemplate existential crisis' for once. Nope, when mom has a day off, that means the whole house is going to get cleaned and something is going to be cooked....this sounds great....EXCEPT she always wants to include you in the process so that you don't feel left out. WHY DO YOU WANT TO CLEAN A PANTRY, if its just going to get messed up within a day? Sometimes I don't think I will ever understand.

SO back to yesterday, my mom wanted to put one sack of basmati rice into one of those nice plastic clear containers that you are supposed to keep cereal in. She left the remainder of the rice and the filled plastic container on the table, so being the good daughter that I am I decided to put it away in the pantry, WITHOUT her even having to tell me. EXCEPT she comes back and ask where the rice and container are, I proudly tell her I already put it up. She then calmly explains that she wasn't finished......

Regina: "umm mom there is no way that anything else is going to fit in that plastic container, so I neatly placed the remainder of the rice in the original sack it came in RIGHT next to it"...

Mom: shakes head "Bring it here"

Regina: Grumbles "okay whatever"

Mom: Smiles like she knows something I don't know ...then proceeds to fill the rice in the container

Regina: makes YEAH RIGHT face...

Mom: Continues to pour emphatically- smiling to herself

Regina: thinking "oh crap she is actually going to do it..."- but keeps a very cool and straight face

Mom: finishes and looks triumphant

Regina: grasping at straws "oh..but...its not going to close..."

Mom: Shuts cap tightly

Regina: Defeated.

Mom: Gloating.

The Moral of this story, children, is that you should never bet against your parents. They never told you this but they go to secret school for moms and dads and learn things such how to put impossibly large looking items into ITTY BITTY containers. They will deny the schooling if you ask them- they had to sign some sort of plausible deniability contract.

Until Next Time



Anonymous said...

My mom does ALL those things.

Plastic container and impossible container abilities.

It's a Malu thing.

Sheena said...

It's so true! My mom always knows the perfect size container for leftovers, while I consistently over or underestimate.