Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mommy Look! I'm a big kid NOW!

Dear Mom & Dad:

You know something? It drives me crazy when 18 year olds try to advertise their adulthood and tell their parents ..."look I am an adult and I can do what I want." Calm down kid, you have not even seen the world yet, you have no idea what's out there so maybe you should take a step back and breathe!

BUT what do you do when your 23 years old and your parents still think that they need to stand behind every little thing you do...umm hello mom and dad...Im not 18, trying to act like I know everything, I am 23, I just want to let you know, that I do know some things (I would like to concede that I do not know everything- and just because eventually I agree to do things your way does not necessarily mean that if I did it my way it wouldn't have worked).

At what point and time are they going to expect me to grow up?- When I move out of the house (after marriage- to someone who they deem responsible enough to care for me). Uh Oh I see something definitely wrong with this picture.

All my life I have given my parents the benefit of the doubt in caring for me, in choosing the clothes that I wear basically everything.

The past six months I have been hearing the same lecture on what happens when you do things last minute and how things turn out, and why haven't I studied....to which my response is....Im an adult, if I fail out of school its on me, I think eventually you are going to have to believe that it is up to me to decide what is best for my future, cause eventually (LOOOONG LOOONG LOOONG TIME AWAY) I am going to be given the responsibility of deciding someone else's future, and how am I supposed to do that when I am unable to make my own decisions.

The funny thing is, put me in a world that is completely away from my parents, and watch how I roll, If I told some of my friends that I was a dependent baby (they wouldn't believe me).  I know the basic skills of survival, it isn't as if I would just die if left alone. Yes sometimes I do cry, yes sometimes I have crappy days and SOMETIMES I DO NEED TO BE BABIED, but overall I am self sufficient adult and I am going to prove it BY GOLLY!


Ps: let me just say that I do respect you in every way, and love when you share advice (especially when their is a moral story attached- makes face) I am not supporting anarchy of children. I just want to say that you did a great of Job of raising me and now I want to show you were successful.


Anonymous said...

I've been there. Gone through the same emotions and thoughts. Parents make you feel like you're dependent. You know you're independent if they're out of the situation.

They're going to lecture you on what's better...what you should do...what you must do...till the day you die. That's NEVER going to change.