Monday, January 30, 2012


Hello Readers,

It has been a LOOONG time. I will do an update post soon. Hold me to it. Thanks for hanging on and waiting patiently.



Colonel Brandon said...

About time! It's been a while.

Anonymous said...

Lookeeeeeeen. This guy.

Regina Roy said...

hahah dear. mr. Brandon who are you?

Colonel Brandon said...

Dear Lady Roy,
That question is counter to one of your previous blogs - Anonymity: A mask for cowards or a tool for leaders in which it was stated "...I disagree. I find that anonymous blogging gives a sense of empowerment that might not be allowed to a person disclosing who they are and what their agenda is." I know you have gone since then and revealed your identity, but I am planning on being empowered for a little bit longer.

But to reveal something about about myself, I am someone who likes pistachio almond ice cream and puppies, yes puppies, they make the world seem like a better place.

Regina Roy said...

Mr. Brandon:
Do you have a blog which I can refer to. Also pistachio ice cream is an excellent choice.


Colonel Brandon said...

Don't have to sound formal. :P. But I don't have a blog. I would rather read, than write. Would write if time allowed for it.

Regards, :D

Cerena said...

Haha, got to agree with Lisa above (anonymous, cmon lis, we know thats you). LOOKIN'!

Anonymous said...

DARN. I was hoping that the anonymity would give me "a sense of empowerment" so thanks for taking away my empowerment Bless! (Yeah. I know it's you too!)