Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Relationship Theory:

Just a thought:

Often times when I see women looking for a guy as a partner, they are looking very critically at him (his looks, his height, his sense of style....) and if one little thing is off they tend to disregard him as a potential mate.  I then started to notice couples...you know those couples in which one partner looks better then the other (usually its the girl (not making assumptions).)  I noted that the girls who were being hypercritical about the guys before would be more forgiving of these qualities when the guy was paired with a superior girl.


Rather than finding the perfect guy who all the girls swoon for why not be the girl that makes the guy stand out. Meaning the guy on his own may have received severe critical appraisal but now that he is standing next to you he garners a second look.



Anonymous said...

Proverbs 12:4
"A wife of noble character is her husband's crown..." A wife can build up a man or tear him down easily. :)

Anonymous said...

Amen sista

or brotha ;)