Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Morning Thoughts From the Pewside

*It's been a while since I have done one of these post but I had a good service today and wanted to share.

GET OVER YOURSELVES (this is what I would title it)- A call to serve others

1) In light of eternity-service is your legacy
     -People may forget other aspects of your life but they will not forget how you serve
     -when you try and change the lives of others (by serving them) your life will get changed in the             process

2) Put away your excuse for not serving
   -Jesus served (washing of the disciples feet) right before going on the cross- you would think that he would want to sit back and relax and be catered too...seeing as he is about to die on the cross for man-kind but he didn't ...he used this as an opportunity to teach his disciples of one of the most important aspects of christianity-being a SERVANT

-Jesus does not look at ability but rather availability

3) Christian Maturity is shown through Servant leadership
  -Ephesians 3- nothing will grow your faith faster then serving others
  - Ephesians 4:11-13 Equip God's people to build up the church

Thoughts: Serving is a calling. We are called to serve others as christians. We can't just understand or comprehend that the bible says about serving but we must do. When we put others above ourselves, our own problems become less in comparison. Christianity is not one time- accept Jesus, Joined a club and have tenured membership deal---it is a constant growing process in which we are denying ourselves, lifting others above us, and trying to be more Christ like as each day passes