Apparently print journalism is dying, evidence of this can be found at Barnes and Noble where they make you purchase your copy rather then browsing. The following is a copy of todays front cover. I purchased one in support of all the journalists who already have a tough time making a break, so rather then get your news for free on their website, you should go out and buy a copy. There really is nothing like the smell of a freshly printed newspaper.

d when you completely bored and want to waste money, and feel self important you can stop buy your local book store (which by the way are always romantic in my opinion) and buy expensive coffee cause they brew the expensive stuff and put it in smaller cups just in case you don't already feel like a jerk.

And finally to top any good day off, you have to go to yet another commercialized bookstore (because these are your favorite hangouts) and purchase at least 30$ worth of books. I must say that purchasing books has a completely different feel then buying them. I don't know why but I always prefer to buy the books, something about the way it feels. (This could be why I am called the "moneywaster") I did pick up a few books which I plan on on reading.
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