Monday, July 6, 2009

The Right Person For the Job

Ever been given a task that you absolutely love, but it just overwhelms you and almost makes you think "is this really the task that I was meant to do?" I have been thinking over this for a while. Each one of us has our own talents and personalities, and although we would like to think so, we are not qualified for every job out there. We are "uniquely qualified" for specific tasks. I really love what I do, but despite that sometimes I feel or wonder whether I am the person for the job or did I take it on because I loved it? Isn't funny how you can have a completely awful time with a task or a situation but there are heartwarming moments that make you cling to hope and give you the strength to carry on the through the next batch of awful days. I absolutely despise the office but a particular episode comes to mind: Jim is having an awful day, things are simply chaotic, nothing is going his way, and he keeps the audience updated on the awfulness of his day, he attends an awful group meeting in which pam falls asleep on his shoulder. He smiles and relents that it hasnt been a bad day after all in fact its been a great day. Sometimes thats how I feel. I feel like we are going through the bad days and hating what we once loved or thought we were qualified to do and rethink if its really what we are meant to do. I realized that every job has its ups and downs, there is no such thing as a perfect job that you absolutely love every minute of. If people tell you that there is one, they are lying. I imagine this is what parenting will be like. There will be days when you wonder why? But then they are also days that help you answer that question over and over again. I hope that life is filled with more answers then questions.

Yeah so I tried to look for a picture from the office to help explain my sentiments, couldn't find it. And just because I used an example from it doesnt make it ligit.