Today I read this article in the
New York Times. After reading I was completely unsure of what to think. I consider myself a pretty devout christian. The kind that reads her bible, goes to church, listens to God, you know the drill. Now after reading this article I thought back to the times when I gave up some seemingly more pleasurable alternative in order to maintain my beliefs. WHY? What was the motivating factor behind my doing this? I wish I could say it was because I knew that it wouldn't please God and I didn't want to mess up my relationship with him, or maybe even go as far as to say that disappointing God would hurt me more then the momentary gratification that was being offered. BUT if I am being honest, I would say it was out fear; fear of going to HELL or getting caught.
In today's christian community the motivation for staying away from the sin that so easily ensnares has simply become FEAR. If you went your entire life without following the worldly pleasures out of fear that you were going to get caught or go to hell, I am sorry to tell you that you missed the bigger picture.
I find many people today more focused on staying away from sins in fear of being ostracized from their local church community. Growing up in the Malayalee, Penticostal community this IS a clear motivating factor. Parents encourage their kids to stay away from sin in fear of what the community would think. NEVER MIND the fact that sin OSTRACIZES your from your heavenly father. Churches actively preach fire and brimstone in regards to sin to scare their congregation, but the bigger picture of drawing close to GOD, and developing a relationship with him is lost.
The truth is while these "tactics" may have once worked, they are really not a lasting resolution to stay sin free. Which child stays away from trouble more: the one that has a fear of a beating or the one worried he/she will disappoint their parents? HINT: Fear is not really a MOTIVATING factor.
SO what should be the true motivating factor for trying to live a sin free life?
1. Sin is a distraction that takes us our eyes of the goal. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
2. Sin prevents us from growing closer to GOD and learning his will in our lives, we must be transformed in order to do so. (Romans 12:1,2)
3. Sin affects our relationship with GOD.
Although the above mentioned article makes you really think twice about following all of your hearts inner desires, it forgets to shine light on the fact that most people who avoid these momentary hedonistic ideals look for a longer lasting pleasure which comes from a more ligit source. IF you truly have the right motivation for abstaining from sin, you will find a greater pleasure in what you are doing. Lets be honest the fear of going to hell or the fear of being ostracized really isn't a pleasurable alternative but your relationship with GOD is.
Dear Fellow believer:
God has not called you to become a christian simply to follow a set of rules. Your seemingly sin free life is worth nothing if you do not truly know the one that saved you. Make him more then just your savior, and let that be the motivation to live a sin free life.