Thursday, November 5, 2009


I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft
I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft, I will not go overdraft

Incredible isn't it, how banks can suddenly slap an overdraft fee for going over by 1 dollar. Talk about a capitalistic machine. Don't be fooled by the free water bottles and coolers or even the ample amount of candy that seems to be waiting right at your fingertips. Banks are truly only in it for the money.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I am every accountant's worst nightmare, I swipe but keep no record. My idea of balancing includes a call to the bank on the 1-800 toll free number and having the automated machine tell me the balance. Actually, normally it is a finger cross dance, one in which I am praying my overspending has not caught up to me. Yesterday it did. I find out that I have overspent about a 1.53$. I near had a heart attack when they told me the balance, which was negative. Whatever happened to the bank just rejecting your bill? I would much rather endure the sheer embarrassment for a few seconds then the regret of paying 37 dollars for a burrito. I mean seriously? Seriously? The sad thing is we give banks this kind of power. We are the ones responsible for our own banking, don't allow the bank to make revenue off of you. Its time we become more responsible for our money. Lets face it, we hold the power in this relationship, without us the banks are nothing. ITS TIME WE TAKE CONTROL AND SHOW THE BANK WHO IS BOSS! (we do this by keeping a balanced check book =) ) Any thoughts on the absurdities of overdraft fees. Post your comments =)

P.S- Those random telephone employees for the banks have gotten lonely since the invention of online banking, I think you should give them a call so they could clean up some of their customer service skills and still have a job =) 

that is all.
