There are those days when things just seem to be all over the place, when your papers are flying, your jittery, your tired ,and you are just overall cranky. In order to keep moving and keep functional one of the things that I do is drink a cup of tea. I was in the habit of drinking tea during the last year of my undergrad. A habit I picked up while doing research. The grad student I worked under would always start off the day with a warm cup of tea, and although I was previously coffee only drinker I was intrigued. Being from an Indian family I always thought that tea had to have milk, and without it, it would taste utterly gross. That was before I realized that they have different flavors of tea and they are actually quite pleasing. In fact I am almost proud to say that I got my entire apartment to become tea drinkers There are those that might say that they are a firm coffee drinker so they would never feel satisfied with the effects of tea. I am here to tell you that the two are not mutually exclusive. In fact I love coffee I drink it when I need to stay awake and keep focused and be sharp. I drink tea for a completely different reason. Tea relaxes me, it calms me down after an extremely stressful day. Studies show that Tea helps cognitivially by stimulating your brain. I can attest to this, I feel so much more relaxed and ready to knock things off my to-do list. Recently I had the opportunity to drive to ______, which is a bigger city, I had to stop by the local Barnes and noble and pick up a tin of tea. I cant tell you how good it felt. So I have decided to share with you my small joy just in case you wanted to pick up on it.
Here is my pick:
Harney and Sons Fine Teas-Hot cinnamon sunset-price:10.95 (in my defense you get 30 satchels)

Enjoy = )
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