Over the past few weeks I have been quite the conference junkie (attending two conferences back to back…oh THE HUMANITY). This is an anomaly simply because I normally gravitate towards being a hermit crab- who lacks socialization. I decided to step out and venture. First PCNAK (which I already ate a few of my words about) and then came NACOG- simply because of my love/hate relationship with EDCOG =)
I walk in for Friday evening’s meeting knowing that I would not be staying the whole time- my great uncle was in the hospital and we were going to visit him. So I decide to take only the essentials into the meeting with me- BIBLE and Scarf. I left the big CLUNKY purse that weighed half of me, behind. I find the youth section of the meeting which is separated from the adult section, my parents then leave me to attend the adult section and I am waiting in line to get in the youth room. As I reach the door, here stands a bouncer? (little kid given too much authority- went to his head) and asks me for my badge. I look around confused…badge? What badge? This isn’t PCNAK that was last week??? He then promptly points to registration….I humbly walk over and give my name and explain that I have no cash on me- registration guy as…”what about checks”….I feel like there is no need to answer that…who uses checks these days anyways!
Unfortunately my parents somehow managed to get into the adult service without paying, and I am trying to call them to come out and pay for ME, so I CAN HEAR THE MESSAGE! But they don’t pick up. I am now awkwardly wandering the lobby (AWKARD). I also had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting an old acquaintance, whom I couldn’t explain my current predicament….and so I was in a pickle.
I called my parents like 10 times, then thought the best option might be to hide in the bathroom….I mean its not like we were going to be there for more then an hour…but after seeing people entering, I mean there is only so many times you can say hi to someone in the awkward settings of the bathroom. So I decide to venture out one more time. This time I walk towards the lobby, running out of places to hide.
Thank God, I run into a friend from EDCOG, who agrees to lend me his badge if I would just go get it, I then call an old friend and long time blog reader and subsequently steal his badge (he wasn’t planning on attending the meeting anyway- and he is apparently the face of the conference so no one would ask him for a badge).
So I return the youth meeting, but THIS TIME the guy at the front decides to leave his post, WHAT AN EPIC FAIL. I go in, sit for ten minutes, before its time for me to go to the hospital.
Despite the utter fail of the adventure, I must say that I was eternally grateful to my friend for saving me, in my moment of distress.
Lesson Learned: These days nothing is free, even the gospel.