Monday, February 13, 2012

Why Get Married?

I have some very strong beliefs and opinions. They are not necessarily open minded or politically correct. In fact I think being a Christian makes me somewhat less open minded then my formal education teaches me to be. Meaning I don’t like to judge people but if the BIBLE says it’s wrong, then it’s wrong. END of story!

Lately it seems that every time I open the yahoo homepage there is a new story of a couple divorcing (yes, it is Hollywood) but still! Seal and Heidi I am speaking to you!  And what about Jada and will?  Please don’t even get me started on AL and Tipper.  I just don’t understand this…”I just wasn’t happy anymore” mentality. What is the point of marriage if divorce is an option.

How can people just treat it so whimsically?  Love is not something to tread into accidentally and fall out of simply. Marriage is not something of convenience nor is divorce to be “celebrated” in the words of Brad Pitt. Marriage is something sacred. It is a vow to love someone till the end of life. If it no longer means that….then why get married?

Keep in mind, that I am not married and have never been in a relationship. So I know, I am being extremely high and mighty with my lofty statements. I can’t help but wonder since I am so firmly against divorce if my marriage will be one that teaches me why people consider divorce. Have you ever felt that way when standing against something? That one day you will be given a test to make you hold true to your words?

Thoughts/Comments/questions/concerns: I would love to hear them! Leave a comment!


Anish Abraham said...

It is becoming apparent in the world today that people are entering marriage with a clear mentality that divorce is an option. And I think whether married or not, or had a relationship or not, you can say that ENTERING a marriage with that mentality IS wrong. I don't think that's a lofty standard to hold; it's entirely biblical!

Of course, the sad truth is marriages can sometimes go bad, and there are biblical grounds for a divorce. And in those situations, divorce can become an option. But that is well after entering the marriage.

It is actually sad to see divorce being 'celebrated', especially by people who wield such a lot of influence in the thinking of the younger generation. Divorce is to be hated! and mourned! A last option when everything else has failed!

Having friends and colleagues from Europe, I think at least there, marriage is now becoming more about convenience, sad to say..

I think it's becoming obvious that in society at large, marriage is no longer the sacred vow to love someone, 'for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health'; that attitude is fast vanishing...

Anish Abraham said...

p.s. God forbid that the right things that we stand for have to be tested!!

C. S. Lewis once remarked that his faith was built on a house of cards, and God had to knock it down so Lewis could realize it.

I have to admit, that thought is always there at the back of my mind for many thing... as in... is my firm stand on this or that thing based on a 'house of cards'?

Nevertheless, we have his promise to endure under that testing!

P.P.S ok, I definitely did NOT plan on hijacking your comment section with what has turned into something like a post of my own. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Anyone read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman? Heard pretty good reviews about it.

Yliram said...

I've always wondered about divorce. Many women do suffer through extreme abuse for the "sanctity" of it all. That's where divorce is necessary. Being in an unhealthy, extremely abusive (physical or verbal) relationship is the worst thing to do for yourself and your family.

On the other hand, divorcing for emotional issues that could easily be resolved through good counseling, faithful living and selflessness, is plain wrong. Don't get married if you can't handle all the dirty details. (Kim Kardashian. Ahem.)

Cerena said...

Good points. But I feel like the examples you had were of people that dont really represent most people I know personally. Sure, they might represent Hollywood, but their examples dont mirror those of people that are in my life. More than these examples of marriages gone wrong, I know more examples of people that work at their marriage through prayer, commitment and compromise and are from the looks of it, happy in their marriage. I guess I lucked out with some of those great people that have led by example. In the end, it comes down to the individual and how you enter that relationship.

Regina Roy said...

@cerena I agree but according to recent statistics the amount of divorce in the church mirrors that of the US population (about 50%). The point is, the people who have gone before us, or are in our direct circles tend to suffer extremely during the hard times in their marriage (stick it through) and make it to the good times. We just have to keep our eyes open and understand that marriage is not all about flowers and roses. There will be hard times but if we put our faith in God ( a source far above our insignificant human powers) we will be able to survive it.

Colonel Brandon said...

Touché Regina

Aside from malu churches, the divorce rate within the church is statistically comparable to those outside the church. So, I don't think the church is not doing its job of teaching/representing what a God ordained marriage is like it, including the importance of the covenant, not contract, "Till death do part", exceptions of course. I remember this from a comedian talking about marriage, "Just between you and me, I have made 'Til death do part' a goal. Of course I laughed. But I was wondering at what point in his marriage he lost sight of the person he loved so dearly. Nobody taught the guy what to do past the infatuation stage when things get real. Losing track here, but getting back to churches, if only marriage was given as much importance a financial prosperity teachings, I wonder where we would be. Does the once a year marriage seminar do enough to offset, this lack of focus within the church. I say time for churches to re-prioritize its priorities. The foundation of any society is family and family on the relationship between the husband and wife. Therefore if the husband, wife relation suffers you see the effect trickle down into society.

I got a couple of articles here from one of my fav pastor, James MacDonald, on how to change your husband or wife? lol. Of course nobody can change anybody but God you say, But I think these articles points out things we could for ourselves to improve the relationship with the one we love. I am not married (from what I know), so I can't test it out. But for those who are, let me know what you think regarding these articles here on the wonderful Regina's post.

How to: change your husband by faith.

How to: change your wife by faith.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a MARRIAGE counselor and results may vary. Complaints will be handled by God or Pastor James.

P.S. – is there a word limit for comments? cause I feel like I am hogging the post.

Anonymous said...

Wow, everyone's fired up about this subject.

Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth. #gowriteyourownblog

Regina Roy said...

It does seem that everyone has lots to say on the subject! Good Feedback =)

Anonymous said...

I see the problem here. You are still using yahoo homepage...which is so y2k.