Thursday, September 25, 2008

Standing When It Clears

 So you know that point in which you reevaluate your life. That moment when you look back and consider whether any of it was worth it, or if there even was a point. Sometimes its because of a faded friendship, maybe you lost a job promotion, maybe you didn't graduate top of your class. whatever it is it makes you think and for some reason it continually haunts you. You think you are alright one minute and that you have moved on ready to turn over a new leaf. But then the next you are once again thinking back to might have beens and could have beens. How can you let go? Is it just a process that time can only heal? Or is there something, how can you officially leave the past in the past and let by gones be by gones. There are probably books at the local barnes and nobel describing 10-step self help methods to move on. But once your past the facade of the new you, doesnt the old you sneak up. Maybe the only actual help you can receive is through God and prayer. Once I have found an answer I will be sure to devote a blog entry to it.