You would think that once you passed the playgrounds of high school that CLIQUISM would cease and people would move on. Unfortunately the reality is quite different. Groupism is a wide spread movement in America. People constantly find the need to fit in and be a part of something bigger then themselves no matter where they are in life. I am a first week grad student, and already I am able to distinguish the different cliques inside of my class of 85 students.
The Preps- They may not be the cheerleaders or the football athletes (seeing as they are in grad school for pharmacy) but they still somehow feel they are better then the college. They sit in their cliquish circle and make fun of everyone else who doesn't quite fit the par. They talk in freakishly high pitched "OMG" "REALLY" "LIKE TOTALY" and laugh at inconsequential stupidities that only they would find humorous.
Prep group 2- This is group has potentially the same characteristics as the first group except they dont even try to fake their stuck up-ness they are better and thats that. The first and second group do not get along. The second group has less people.
The gang- The group of kids who tend to get along with most, it has the wise cracker, and commentator and steady group of friends that tend to hang out together at all times. They dont tend to have any mean assets.
The Over Achiever- The purchaser of every text book that the school recommends and study notes as well. Ready with all the answer because they spent the evening before reading rather then sleeping.
The Drama Club cool- The Mac user who could care less what the world thinks. Bringing out a sense of the UBER hip. You know the DRAMA club in high school. Wearing all black and sipping coffee before the rest of the world.
The self Righteous- The group that is willing to "rat out their mother" to get ahead. OH PLEASE you just answered that questioned simply because its what the PROF. wanted to hear. SIT DOWN.
The Geek- Yes every where there is always a geek, I am partal to these because I feel sometimes I may potentially fit into this category. The group that does things that makes everyone else shake their head in dismay. They become the popular discussion topics among thier peers. Not to worry because there is always more then one so They form a clique all their own.
The non-cliquers- The unique few who dont fit into any groups and just find their way along. I think this is where I am. I dont necessarily fit into any of these categories and I dont feel the need to suddenly be groupish. I AM PROUD TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL =) and form a group of other individuals!