Friday, February 11, 2011

The Big Reveal

My name is Regina Roy.
I am a 22 year old student who is also someone that likes to blog. It all started years ago when I first got a XANGA account. Although I was not always steadfast in my documentation I was in love with sharing my thoughts. I decided 2 and 1/2  years ago to grow up and step into the world of blogging and made myself a blog titled Wordless Thoughts. Some may wonder what the title means-well it's in direct  opposition to the concept of thoughtless words. Words mean something and when people don't put thought into what is said they de-value the meaning.

This blog started as an outlet to express my feelings especially when I was going through a rough time, it was almost a personal diary documenting my concerns. When I began I wanted to remain anonymous and wrote under the guise pseudoname131. I did this for several reasons. Mostly because I didn't want a stereotype associated with my blog and I wanted all those who read to be able to relate to it. Over time my blog grew from a personal diary documenting feelings to a story and picture-book which depicted a view, my view. I have recently after 2.5 years decided that I am ready to let you in on who pseuodname 131 really is. The person behind the blog.

I consider myself an oxymoron of sorts, I love opposites. I am a child of God, daughter, big sister and best friend to many people. My roles change depending on who you are.

When I was 12 years old I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I am not a perfect christian, only someone looking to grow in her faith and in her relationship with her heavenly father.

This blog will discuss my personal thoughts on Life, Love, Christianity (my walk with christ), Family, Music and daily happenings (just whats been going on). 

Thank you for all who read this regularly, y'all have been an encouragement.  Stay Tuned as we continue on this blogging adventure.



Anonymous said...

I love having a fellow blogger. Thus begins the revolution. Let's pull a Tunisia and reel in more bloggers.

Deepak said...
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Anonymous said...