"when upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
count your many blessings, name them one by one,
and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
chorus: count your blessings, name them one by one,
count your blessings, see what God hath done!
count your blessings, name them one by one,
and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
are you ever burdened with a load of care?
does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
count your many blessings, every doubt will fly;
and you will keep singing as the days go by.
when you look at others with their lands and gold,
think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
count your many blessings. wealth can never buy
your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.
so, amid the conflict whether great or small,
do not be disheartened, God is over all;
count your many blessings, angels will attend,
help and comfort give you to your journey's end."
Here is My list:
1. God-thanks all though I dont say it often enough and sometimes I am angry with you-Thank you for forgiving me even in my unfaithfulness
2. Family-I love my family, although they call incessantly to find out whether or not I have eaten. I miss them
3. Friends- Thank you, and All of you who read this are all my friends= Thanks for encouraging me when I needed it and putting up with my selfish crap
4. The opportunity to work with United-they are the most amazing kids, and I have learned so much- I am thankful for this opportunity
5. Pharmacy School-Although the cause of much suffering, I am thankful that despite my unworthiness I was granted acceptance
6. Blog- I know I know I am not a real writer or journalist and maybe no one else other then the few handful read this, but it gives me an outlet and for that I will always be greatful.
There are those days when things just seem to be all over the place, when your papers are flying, your jittery, your tired ,and you are just overall cranky. In order to keep moving and keep functional one of the things that I do is drink a cup of tea. I was in the habit of drinking tea during the last year of my undergrad. A habit I picked up while doing research. The grad student I worked under would always start off the day with a warm cup of tea, and although I was previously coffee only drinker I was intrigued. Being from an Indian family I always thought that tea had to have milk, and without it, it would taste utterly gross. That was before I realized that they have different flavors of tea and they are actually quite pleasing. In fact I am almost proud to say that I got my entire apartment to become tea drinkers There are those that might say that they are a firm coffee drinker so they would never feel satisfied with the effects of tea. I am here to tell you that the two are not mutually exclusive. In fact I love coffee I drink it when I need to stay awake and keep focused and be sharp. I drink tea for a completely different reason. Tea relaxes me, it calms me down after an extremely stressful day. Studies show that Tea helps cognitivially by stimulating your brain. I can attest to this, I feel so much more relaxed and ready to knock things off my to-do list. Recently I had the opportunity to drive to ______, which is a bigger city, I had to stop by the local Barnes and noble and pick up a tin of tea. I cant tell you how good it felt. So I have decided to share with you my small joy just in case you wanted to pick up on it.
Here is my pick:
Harney and Sons Fine Teas-Hot cinnamon sunset-price:10.95 (in my defense you get 30 satchels)
Enjoy = )
SUITE 1434
DALLAS, TEXAS 75251-1229
Dear Congressman Sessions:
My name is _____. I am a first year pharmacy student at the _______. I am writing to express my concerns with the upcoming health care reform bill. Although our legislatures are currently working to produce a health-care solution that best addresses the nation's public health needs, I feel that the bill in its current form fails to address a very critical component of any health-care reform, namely the role of the pharmacist. The bill in its current state does not clearly define and outline the role and contribution of pharmacists in the health-care system.
To correct this, I propose that we should seriously consider the results of the Asheville project and implement this project nationally as part of the current health-care reform plan. In 1996 employers for a local company in Asheville, North Carolina, conducted an experiment in which pharmacists took on the role of primary care managers for their employees. As a result, pharmacists were more actively involved in the lives of their patients and the results indicated that the employees missed fewer workdays and had better health overall. This is an excellent model for the role of pharmacists in the health-care system that can be followed nation-wide. Many of the leaders of the American Pharmacist Association are actively pushing for this model to be implemented. This project would give a definite outline for the role of pharmacists with regards to health care in the upcoming health-care reforms.
In conclusion, I feel that more emphasis should be placed on the role of pharmacists in the health care system. The best way to go about this would be to implement the Asheville Project nationally. Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposition.
Sincerely yours,
“Adding wings to caterpillars
does not create butterflies --it creates awkward and
dysfunctional caterpillars. Butterflies are created through
Stephanie Pace Marshall